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2022 - Call of the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership

The Driving Urban Transitions Call 2022 is CLOSED. The final results of the funded projects will be published soon.

Many thanks for participating!

Shoud you not have been successfull this time - there is another chance coming up to submit your innovative propoals to make cities sustainable:

DUT CALL 2023 will open on 1 September 2023.

--> go to https://dut-call-2023.b2match.io

Info about the DUT Call 2023 is published at our
DUT website.
We have also prepared a new DUT Matchmaking Platform for DUT Call 2023 for you to find potential project partners.

Nonetheless, you may of course surf this site see who participated last year.

Welcome to the 

Matchmaking Platform of the
Driving Urban Transitions Partnership
for DUT Call 2022

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) invite you to participate in the matchmaking platform for the DUTCall 2022! 

Thematic focus 

The purpose of the DUT Call 2022 is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The challenges are grouped into three themes called Transition Pathways:

The Positive Energy Districts Transition Pathway (PED) aims to optimise the local energy system through energy efficiency, flexibility and local energy generation from renewables in actions towards the (urban) energy transition and climate-neutrality and mainstreaming these actions in urban planning processes.

The 15-minute City Transition Pathway (15mC) focusses on rethinking the existing mobility system and urban morphology to encourage sustainable mobility choices, redistribute urban space and reorganise our daily activities so to make our cities more climate neutral, liveable and inclusive.

The Circular Urban Economies Transition Pathway (CUE) wants to foster the design of urban places characterized by regenerative urbanism, by which we mean liveable, inclusive, and green communities and neighbourhoods that are sustained by circular urban economies and resource flows.

Who should attend?

  • Universities
  • Research Centers
  • Private companies (including Start-ups, SMEs and large companies)
  • Municipalities
  • Associations/Federations
  • Public authorities/Governmental organisations
  • NGOs
  • Clusters, Hubs, Living Labs
  • other R&D stakeholders

The webinars and matchmakings will provide you with the opportunity to:

  • discuss and refine your project ideas with potential partners
  • build collaborations and join consortia
Closed since 30 June 2024
Organised by
Türkiye 107
United Kingdom 83
Germany 52
Portugal 51
Spain 48
Sweden 47
Switzerland 46
Italy 44
France 40
Belgium 39
Poland 35
Netherlands 35
Austria 28
Hungary 24
Norway 24
Romania 15
Slovenia 14
Greece 12
Bulgaria 9
Cyprus 8
Finland 7
Denmark 6
Lithuania 5
Czech Republic 4
Estonia 4
Latvia 3
Ireland 2
Azerbaijan 2
India 1
Argentina 1
Israel 1
China 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Tunisia 1
Iceland 1
Total 801
Profile views
Total 15552