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2022 - Call of the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership

DUT Call 2022

The first stage of the Driving Urban Transitions Call 2022 closed on 21 November 2022 13.00 CET

The DUT Call 2022 opens on 21 September and offers opportunities for transnational and transdisciplinary cooperation along and across the three DUT Transition Pathways. In addition, a portfolio of measures is offered to strengthen the community and build capacities in all stakeholder groups, networking and learning across countries, sectors and disciplines. Activities include furthermore provision of scientific evidence and recommendations to policy making on all levels as well as valorisation of research results to allow urban dwellers to experience how a future neighbourhood may look and feel.

Positive Energy Districts Pathway (PED)

PED topic 1: Energy communities – energy transition driven by civil society
PED topic 2: Energy flexibility strategies – technological, legal, societal challenges
PED topic 3: Energy efficiency in existing urban structures

15-minutes City Pathway (15mC)

15mC topic 1: Strengthen the mix of urban functions and services
15mC topic 2: Foster sustainable options for personal mobility and logistics in urban outskirts (and beyond)
15mC topic 3: (Re)imagine urban public spaces and streets for vibrant, sustainable neighbourhoods

Circular Urban Economies Pathway (CUE)

CUE topic 1: Urban Resource Sharing and Circularity
CUE topic 2: Nature-based solutions (NBS)
CUE topic 3: Urban food systems

Tentative Call Calendar

  • DUT Call 2022 Info Day 1 (online): 20 September 2022 9:30 - 14:00 CET 
  • Call opening: 21 September 2022, 13:00 CET
  • DUT Call 2022 Info Day 2 (online): October 2022 
  • Pre-proposal submission deadline: 21 November 2022, 13:00 CET
  • Invitate applicants to submit full-proposals: March 2023
  • Full proposals submission deadline: 3 May 2023, 13:00 CEST
  • Funding decisisions announced: July 2023
  • Start of the projects: September 2023 - January 2024
  • Kick-off meeting: 2024 

Closed since 30 June 2024
Organised by
Türkiye 107
United Kingdom 83
Germany 52
Portugal 51
Spain 48
Sweden 47
Switzerland 46
Italy 44
France 40
Belgium 39
Poland 35
Netherlands 35
Austria 28
Hungary 24
Norway 24
Romania 15
Slovenia 14
Greece 12
Bulgaria 9
Cyprus 8
Finland 7
Denmark 6
Lithuania 5
Czech Republic 4
Estonia 4
Latvia 3
Ireland 2
Azerbaijan 2
India 1
Argentina 1
Israel 1
China 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Tunisia 1
Iceland 1
Total 801
Profile views
Total 15514